Hello! I am Chihebeddine Ben Brahim,

IT Engineering Student - ESPRIT

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
Oscar Wilde

I am Chihebeddine Ben Brahim, I graduated from Prepa and chose to study IT engineering in ESPRIT

Since I was a child, I have always dreamed of becoming a developer, so after graduating from high school in 2015, I decided to pursue my studies at the preparatory school of El Manar, since preparatory schools are the direct way into an engineering school. the first month was as hard as expected and I couldn’t see myself finishing two years there, but after making friends and bonding with my mates, I realized that it wasn’t really that hard.

In 2017 I graduated from Prepa and chose to study IT engineering in ESPRIT just like I dreamed when I was younger. In ESPRIT, I joined the IEEE student branch where I had the chance to meet and befriend wonderful people that over the last two years represented a second family for me, we collaboratively organized multiple events, and by the end of the year I was elected the vice chair of the SB, I also joined ACM –Association for Computing Machinery–; a club that organizes programming competition and prepares competitors for them.

In my second year, I chose to specialize in data science, and that I think was a life-changing event for me cause through that I was introduced to the world of artificial intelligence Today I consider myself very lucky to be an artificial intelligence intern in a startup as innovative and creative as FabSkill and to be a fellow in TAEF’s 3rd edition fellows program.

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