Hello! I am Wiem Ghodhbene,

Risk Management Student - ISG Tunis

“I never lose I either win or learn”

Hello, wiem Ghodhbene, professional master student in risk management, top of my class for 2019, at the higher institute of management in Tunis (ISG Tunis).

I took my fundamental license in finance in 2018, with a good average just like I want it to be, after a difficult year, passing by a lot of health issues, some personal failing. I learned or I proved to myself that I can do more and I can achieve my goals. I’m just like an ice burg and I’m still discovering myself. The fundamental thing for me is always to fix an object, a finishing line, so you can evaluate yourself later.

Being part of some social activities and competitions helped me to know new people, get out of my comfort zone and extend my dreams. I start to think outside of the box, taking new steps, maybe some risky one.

Which all lead it me to TAEF program, specifically to a very new interesting company called flat6labs couldn’t be more grateful for that. Especially that if I was the same person a year later I wouldn’t apply or get accepted for this program because I was afraid to make new moves, my thinking and my perspectives where very limited. Finally, I think by being a failing girl at some point in my life helped me a lot and build my character.

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